
How will we kill babies if we ban late-term abortions?


Washington, DC (LiveActionNews) — Polling by Gallup and others has shown that most Americans oppose late-term abortion and support the banning of it in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Texas’s SB2 20 week abortion ban has brought the issue of banning late-term abortions back into the national spotlight and now, pro-aborts are scrambling to find a way to make the abhorrent practice palatable to the public, with the media being more than complicit.

The latest example is in USA Today, where the official editorial board ran a piece justifying why women need late-term abortion. There’s the usual blather about how it would create more Gosnells, because he ignored his state’s 24 week abortion ban, which just makes perfect sense. And then we get to the meat of their argument: we need late-term abortions because otherwise, women won’t be able to kill babies with Down syndrome and other abnormalities!

Jul 9, 2013
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