
Who is This Man?

184 ( 65 | 119 )

In the following simple and yet profound account of what the disciples witnessed with their own eyes Jesus revealed His power and authority to deliver human beings from the threat of creation, the powers of evil, the suffering and shame of illness and the grief and despair of death. It is clear that no matter what it is that demeans and terrifies human beings in a fallen world it is the presence and word of Jesus that dissolves man's fear and shame and provides a preview of the day when He will restore and renew all things.

Jesus does not excuse the disciples' lack of faith but their question "Who is this man?" brings into sharp focus their dullness of heart in failing to truly understand who Jesus really was. The compellingly poignant witness of the miracles that followed the stilling of the storm leaves little room for any other conclusion than 'This is the very Messiah of God!'

Jul 8, 2012
Sunday Service
Luke 8:22-56
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