
Acts Study Lesson 7


Acts 2:42-47, 3:1-11

The Healing of the Lame Man

*The Lord was adding day by day to their number. Acts 2:42-47

*The Event - The healing of the cripple man at the Temple

Healing common place with Jesus ministry . Matthew 4:23-24, 9
Apostles Ministry, Paul in Acts 14:8-11
*The Cast - Peter and John
Jesus calls them. Matthew 10:1-4
Jesus uses them together John 20:2
*The Location of healing-Portico of Solomon at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple.

The apostles continue to the Temple daily. Acts 2:46-47, Psalm 55:17, Daniel 6:10
*Man born lame
Over 40 years old
John and Peter asked them for alms
Peter said, "Look at us", "Silver and gold I do not have-in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up!"
He jumped up walking, leaping and praising God!
God used this to further His Kingdom.
Who do we see every single day that needs to hear about the Lord of salvation?
Who can we reach out to with the healing word?
Are we praising God for what He has done for us?
Isaiah 52:13-15

Jul 7, 2019
Sunday School
Acts 3:1-11
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