
How America and our Churches are Destroyed by the Deceitfulness of Riches


July 4th brings to mind thoughts of our country and our freedom. But we must be honest: money and possessions and entertainment have all but swallowed up any attachment we might have once had for liberty, free expression, and freedom of conscience. Most Americans would gladly give up all those things in exchange for continued prosperity.

Revelation 18 describes the destruction of Babylon, that great political and economic powerhouse of Antichrist. The Scriptures foretell that men will not be concerned about her apostacy or bloody hands or murder - only about their loss of riches and business.

Such things are the primary concern of Americans today. What a fall we have experienced from the men who founded our nation! They were successful in business, many of them wealthy, but they were willing to sacrifice riches and ease for liberty and conscience.

There are few good men left who have not been bewitched by riches and pleasure. Our politics are corrupted by them. Even our churches have become preoccupied with entertainment and wealth.

This is the Laodician age - our riches disguise our political and spiritual poverty. Entertainment consumes all our spare time - there is no time left to stand against evil and for the Kingdom of God.

Paul warned Timothy against the deceitfulness of riches, but he was repeating Jesus' warnings. How hard it is for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom!

Our Lord Jesus was never bewitched by His power and riches - He became poor to save His people! Obedience trumped wealth in all our Savior's conduct.

Oh that the Lord would strip away our preoccupation with entertainment and riches, that we might serve Him only!

Jul 6, 2008
Sunday Service
Mark 10:23-27; Revelation 3:14-21
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