
Paganism in Today's Culture


Although the three “Isms” of post­mod­ernism, poly­the­ism, and the ancient heresy of Gnos­ti­cism seem unre­lated, this book­let shows that all three are part of the ancient reli­gious world­view of Creator-denying “Oneism”—that seeks to impose sig­nif­i­cant ele­ments of a pagan civ­i­liza­tion on our once “Chris­t­ian” West­ern cul­ture.

Peter Jones, a com­men­ta­tor on pagan influ­ences in our cul­ture, shows us what these three “-Isms” are, how they have mor­phed into new forms in mod­ern cul­ture, and what effects they are hav­ing.

With a clearer under­stand­ing of the coher­ence of this oppos­ing spir­i­tual sys­tem, which comes in many forms, Chris­tians will be empow­ered to make a clear and fear­less dec­la­ra­tion of the supe­ri­or­ity of bib­li­cal “Twoism”—that God is utterly sep­a­rate from his creation—and pro­mote the gospel of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion with the per­sonal Cre­ator through the aton­ing blood of the only medi­a­tor, Jesus.

My guest on the program today will be Dr. Peter Jones - Scholar-in-residence at West­min­ster Sem­i­nary in Cal­i­for­nia and Direc­tor of truthXchange

Jul 31, 2014
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