
4/5 Wholesale Undermining of Reformed Faith - Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism

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Wholesale Undermining of Reformed Faith

Day of Special Studies at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Fraternal on Monday 4th July 2022

Lecture 4/5: The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism
Pastor Michael Beasley

Several major fields of doctrine have been contradicted and replaced by defective ideas in new systematic theology works (e.g. Wayne Grudem) – many of which have been absorbed into the evangelical mainstream. Often the doctrinal statement can be largely sound, but the application yields major concessions to unsound practices. Two lectures by Dr Peter Masters highlight several critical areas for believers and churches to guard, and to show the powerful benefits of the time-honoured positions.

Furthermore, In recent decades a tremendous blow has been struck at the doctrine of cessationism – the ending of the sign-gifts – by the widespread adoption of Professor Wayne Grudem's notion about the intermittently 'fallible' nature of New Testament prophecy. This, for many, has sanctioned charismatic prophecy and other "gifts". The pivotal principle of cessationism is clear in the great Confessions, and so vital for our defence against the superficiality and confusion invading all evangelical life. Three lectures by Pastor Michael Beasley analyse Professor Grudem's ideas and their underlying textual foundations.

Jul 4, 2022
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