
The Evolutionizing of a Culture


We are engaged in a war of worldviews. Secular Humanism is fighting tooth and nail against Biblical Christianity for the hearts and minds of our children. Over the past generations, we've seen the battle increase and intensify.

There is no doubt America was founded on Christian principles based on the Bible. In fact, just two generations ago, the majority of Americans supported prayer, Scripture reading and Bible instruction in public schools. They also supported displaying nativity scenes, crosses and the Ten Commandments in public places. Gay marriage and abortion were outlawed.

Today, however, it is very obvious that the population as a whole does not see the Bible as the absolute authority it once did.

So what happened? Why the dramatic change? Why is the moral position of previous generations being outlawed more and more? What has driven this moral collapse?

Whereas Christian thinking once permeated the public education system, today the Christian God has all but been excluded from the system. Now, generations are being trained in secular religion. They are being indoctrinated to believe that the universe - and all that exists within it - can be explained without God.

They are being taught, with increasing intensity, a cosmology, geology, biology, and anthropology that are all evolutionary. In essence, these students are being educated against the truth - the truth taught in the book of Genesis and throughout the Bible - and thus against the truth of salvation and absolute moral standards. (Adapted from The New Answers Book 2 Introduction).

Special Guest - Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis

Jul 22, 2008
Radio Broadcast
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