
Seek Ye First


Seek Ye First (Haggai)
Intro: What's been happening? Whom is Haggai addressing? (1:1)
Not rebellious, ungodly people, they've made great sacrifices for God's cause, left all to follow him (see Ezra 1-4). They arrived in Jerusalem in fall of 538 BC, & soon had laid foundation for temple. But armed opposition & command from king brought halt in 536.


  1. Consider your ways (1:1-11): 1st prophecy, Sep 21, 520 BC
    1:8, turning point, cf Rev 3:19. God wanted his people to seek 1st His kingdom & say in face of all opposition, "Thy Kingdom Come" (see Acts 17:24-25).

  2. I am with you (1:12-15): 2nd prophecy (same day), Sep 21
    Ezra 5-6, they feared & obeyed Lord & got to work. Sent letter to Darius I.

  3. I am with you - greater glory will fill temple; all nations shall come (2:1-9): Oct 17
    God's people must have wondered about this until Jesus came: See Lk 2:30-32.

  4. Consider: from this day forward, I will bless you (2:10-19): 1st prophecy, Dec 18
    Holy things don't make other things holy, unclean people do make other things unclean - everything they touch is impure. You don't get holiness from sacrifice & offering at temple. Do what's right; I will bless you.

  5. Day comes, when kingdoms of this world will become kingdom of our Lord & of his Christ (2:20-23): 2nd prophecy, Dec 18
    Zerubbabel's greater son (Jesus) sees overthrow of Gentile kingdoms (Mt 1:12, 3:27).

Application: How is our building? What has been our priority?
Whose house are you interested in building (see 1Pe 2:5, Eph 2:21-23, 2Sam 7:1-3,8-11)? Seeking first Kingdom of God? Or, have you found reason to excuse yourself from commission God's given you.

See Heb 12:28-29

Jul 13, 2008
Sunday - AM
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