



Wisely build... don't foolishly manipulate and tear it down with your own hands.

She built it to BLESS... not to IMPRESS! That's right, NOT to impress me, or the other birds, BUT to bless her nest! She didn't get caught up with the fools around her who never grew up, that still live to impress others with their clever singing and daring adventures. She built her home, and she built it with what she had to protect and bless the precious little ones God gave her. She knows her duty is to love and lead them and not to impress the world. I want to encourage you, my friends, to build! Learn from wise builders who live to BLESS their families and help others. And stay away from those who have never grown up, those who still find life in trying to IMPRESS their friends. Lead them but don't learn their ways... or you'll tear down all that you have built. The following is God's way of thinking on the subject: "A wise woman is a woman who builds her home, but a foolish woman will surely tear it down with her foolish ways... [Therefore] stay away from fools, for you won't find one ounce of knowledge on their lips." (Proverbs 14:1, 7)

#nestingwithjesus #revelation #revelation7 #144thousand #genesis29 #genesis30 #Leah #Rachel #Jacob #tribeofDan #Dan #Danites #Jesus #Israel #Judah #mom #momma #mama #women #genesis49 #judges18 #manipulate #manipulation #proverbs14 #build #house #nest #hands #pulldown #ephesus #firstlove #grandparents #revelation2 #wise #foolish #livingtoblessnottoimpress

Sep 7, 2022
Sunday - AM
Proverbs 14:1; Revelation 7
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