
A Reformation Agenda for the 21st Century - Dr. Gary Cass


There are two institutions instituted by God for human social relationships. The family and the church. The family structure has pretty much disintegrated. But what about the church? Most reform movements whether it be homeschool ministries, creation ministries, men's ministries, or family ministries have circumvented the church in order to bring about change. Why is the church so irrelevant through it all?

This begins a series of interviews with five men all of whom have a passion to see reformation and change in the church: Dr. Gary Cass from the Center for Renewing America, Doug Phillips from Vision Forum, Doug Pagett from the Emergent Church movement, Doug Wilson with Credenda Agenda, and Dr. R.C. Sproul with Ligonier Ministries. Kevin Swanson provides analysis on each perspective, and issues a clarion call for reformation of the church in the 21st Century.

Jun 7, 2007
Sunday Service
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