
Pornography and Your Son


The average 16 year old boy has 10,000 times more access to pornography than did the plowboys working their fields in the 1880s. Click. Click. Click. And they are on the sites. Christianity Today reports that seventy percent of American men ages 18–34 view internet pornography once a month, and the numbers aren't that different for professing Christians. The problem is intensifying among our youth. A recent survey done by the University of Alberta finds that boys in rural areas are far more likely to have a problem with porn than boys in cities. It is no small problem, and it is affecting marriage, divorce, child abuse, and a hundred other issues within the family in this country and many others.

In this segment of Generations, Kevin Swanson defines the biblical principles relating to purity, modesty, and sexual desire. This leads into some practical directions on training our young boys in self-control and sexual purity.

Jun 3, 2011
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