
Christ, Life & Death


Living - His current earthly life was so completely wrapped up in Christ (John 15:1-11 | Gal. 2:20 | Col. 3:3-4 | 1 Cor. 10:31 | 2 Cor. 5:14-15)
Death - finality of life... Heaven or Hell (2 Pet. 1:10-11 | Eccl. 7:2, 4 | Ps. 90:12 | 1 Sam. 2:6 |

  • Why is death gain? (Phil. 3:7; 1:23 | Titus 1:11 | John 12:25)
    • it brings us into closer fellowship with God (2 Cor. 5:8 | Ps. 16:11 | Luke 23:43 | Rom. 6:4, 6; 8:17 | Gal. 2:20 | Col. 3:4; 2:13 | Eph. 2:5-6 | 2 Cor. 4:14 | 1 John 3:2 | Job 19:6 | Rev. 21:23)
    • We have an inheritance (Matt. 6:19-20 | 1 Pet. 1:4 | 2 Cor. 4:8)
    • Tribulations of this life will be over (Phil. 1:29; 3:10 | Eccl. 2:22-23)
    • Sin will be abolished
    • Death has been defeated (Heb. 2:14-15)

Heidelberg Catechism Q.1 What is your only comfort in life and death?

A: That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by His Holy Spirit He also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for Him.

Jun 16, 2013
Sunday Service
Philippians 1:21
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