
Six Characteristics of a False Profession

198 ( 123 | 75 )

How do we see that Saul could not obey the Word of the LORD as King? Why did the LORD reject Saul as king? How does Saul typify works religion? How do we discern? How is Saul a picture of the flesh and David a picture of Christ? What does a Christian really mean? How does Saul represent all sinners who try to obey the commandments of God and never see that they can't? What did Christ mean when He called the Pharisees hypocrites? Can anyone say they have obeyed God? What is pretense? What does it mean that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword? What kind of obedience does God require? How does Grace cause us to proclaim we are justified only in Christ and never justify ourselves in any way?

Jun 15, 2016
Midweek Service
1 Samuel 15:10-28
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