
Satan vs. Almighty God! We know... It's not a fare fight, but let's investigate this

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At the pregame show, we discover this could have been the post-game show. Our pastor had a close brush with death last Monday night. AFib and a heart rate of 180. A rush to the hospital and he survived. Please pray.

We have several letters we need to address as we start the lecture. Thank you so very much. You all are quite precious to us and our pastor. We even find that we have a listener in Antarctica. Some are asking where they can find the answers to pastor's questions. And the local analog audience roared with laughter. Yes, unfortunately we are a bit disrespectful.

But one letter is asking our pastor why he hasn't covered String theory. And so, we get a little coverage on that... But... we interrupt this introduction to bring you our regularly scheduled lecture.

The interconnectivity of this Bible in incredible. More so than the interconnectivity of our body. So needless to say, we are dedicated to teaching you the most God honoring search for connecting Scripture that we can possibly accomplish. The only problem with that, is figuring out how to keep you all awake while we do it. Okay, he says Joel has led us to Matthew 4. And now that has brought us to the following passages:

Genesis 3:14-15 – Seed/seed. Part one and part two of the bruising's.
Ezekiel 28:12-19
Isaiah 14:12-15

So now we're starting with the bruising of the head of God's seed, and the bruising of the heal of Satan. This leads us back to Matthew 4 where Satan quotes scripture, Psalm 91:12 and Christ who is God Almighty in the flesh (unbeknownst to Satan at this time, we believe), The God/man responds with Scripture. So, we're searching out the how and the why of all of this.

Jun 9, 2019
Sunday Service
Ezekiel 28:12-19; Genesis 3:14-15
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