
Marriage as God Intended It (3)

194 ( 134 | 60 )

This third sermon in this important series begins with what the implications are for children, who, getting married leave their father and mother, it goes on to gently suggest that there should not be a continuing over-dependence on the parents. Rather there should be a natural 'looking to the spouse' as the relationship develops.

Secondly the joining of husband and wife develops the theme found in Genesis 2:24 that they become one flesh. True marriage is not a therefore a casual relationship, and is compared to that union which exists between Christ and His church. Biblical marriage can only be between a man and a woman, it cannot be between a man and a man, or a woman and another woman.

In this joining we see the covenantal aspect of marriage, in which promises are exchanged. We are reminded that marriage is intended to be a lifelong commitment, it is not of a temporary nature. In this we are able to understand the significance of the sexual relationship properly expressed in marriage, between a man and a woman, and exclusive between a husband and a wife.

Husband and wife become one household, where in the ideal they think and plan as one. There is less of self, and a greater effort towards mutual understanding, and determination to always be thinking of each other. In such a marriage compromise will be seen as an act of love. Such love is never divisive, but builds harmony and is always a sanctifying influence.

We are warned the against the wrong behaviour of sexual immorality, but sexual physical affection between a husband and wife marks marriage as different from any other relationship, and is a key part of a happy and successful union.

Feb 24, 2013
Sunday - AM
1 Corinthians 13
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