
In My Father's House Part 3

178 ( 132 | 46 )

INTRO: We began this great subject of Jesus' Father's house two weeks ago. We saw that these verses of John 14:1-6 take place near the end of Christ's life here on earth. The Jewish day begins at sunset and the sun has set and before the sun sets again, Jesus will be dead. Jesus' disciples are not aware of the incredible significance of the events they are experiencing right at this point.

Jesus has just told them that He is leaving and they cannot follow Him now. Jesus has just told Peter that Satan has desired to have him. And then He has told Peter that before this night is over he will deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows. Well, that is early morning. And then He told them to get a few swords. All of this adds up to some very worrisome information, and their minds are in a turmoil. There is an ominous feel to this whole thing. It is night and it seems storm clouds are gathering.

Apr 15, 2012
Sunday Service
John 14:2
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