
It's the Little Things


It's the little things

Proverbs is one RICH book, filled with so many sweet treats. I encourage you to eat it up, it has so much to enjoy.

It's a treasure chest loaded with riches beyond measure, an ocean of heavenly insight and a river flowing with practical principles about life and how to set ourselves up or get in position for God's STORED UP WISDOM. And when we have God's wisdom, and walk in it, we can live and KNOW how to take the next step, see things from God's perceptive and be a blessing to others.

I have found chapter 2 to be like a KEY for me. It has helped me unlock the treasure chest to this wisdom and open the heavenly portal to a storehouse of sound wisdom and understanding.

The advice I have for you is this, next time you read it (chapter 2), pay attention to the LITTLE words, they tell a BIG story. And like any good story, we can't embrace or enjoy its VALUE, if we fail to "follow" its plot. FOLLOW... the •ifs• and •thens• and •when• and •to deliver• and •that or so that• and •for• and finally the •but• — for they all build on one another and are the BIG game changers in this Proverb.

Highlight and circle these words or phrases that I just mentioned. I'm sure some of you use various translations...and as a result you may miss the "flow" and the value of these small words that carry a big message. But it goes like this... "If" and ONLY "if," we'll take the necessary steps of 2:1-4, we can "THEN" and ONLY "then" have what is needed, which is the very thing the Lord wants to graciously give us.

And "WHEN" we have the right tools for life, what the Lord wants to speak I into us, they go to work "to deliver" us FROM some THINGS, "that" they may

May 5, 2022
Proverbs 2
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