
Daniel #48 When Does the 70th Week Begin?


Judaism, since the time of the first century, is still waiting for the appearing of the Messiah. They deny that
Jesus Christ was the Messiah. They deny that His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection were foretold in the Old
Testament (Isaiah 53). In fact, in Matthew 28 that the soldiers that guarded the tomb of the Lord Jesus
witnessed a great earthquake and beheld in great fear the angel that rolled the stone from the entrance to the
empty tomb. When these soldiers awakened from the shock of what they saw, they ran in fear and told all
that they had seen to the Jewish religious leaders, who bribed the solders to circulate the lie that the disciples
of Jesus had stolen the body from the grave while they slept.
And so Jews (even till the present time) continue to wait for the coming of the Messiah who was prophesied
to come in Daniel 9:25 at a specified time and who was prophesied to be cut off in death as a criminal likewise
at a specified time in Daniel 9:26. Why can't Jews in general today understand that the Messiah, the anointed
Prince, Jesus Christ, has already come and fulfilled these prophesies in Daniel 9? Paul tells us why in 2
Corinthians 3:14. Praise be to the mercy of God in Christ Jesus that there is coming a time when that blindness
will be removed by God, and Israel as a nation will be granted repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (Romans
11:25-27). That is why we are to pray for the salvation of Israel as a nation. God's Covenant of Grace shall
overcome their unbelief, rebellion, and hatred for Jesus, who is Messiah, the Prince.

May 21, 2023
Sunday Service
Daniel 9:25
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