
Who Were The Resurrected? Did anybody care? Who were the few that did?


We start off this lecture where we left off last Sunday, covering Matthew 27:51-55. Verse 51 starts off with BEHOLD! That’s very important. So we need to look at what preceded the BEHOLD. We have things like darkness and Christ saying, “It is finished!” in a very loud voice. And consider John 18:5, when Christ said “I Am” to the Roman solders and temple guards. They were driven to the ground. What did that feel like to those men? Pastor explains and gets into more verses that helps describe this. Don’t assume this is a normal person. This is God Himself. Pastor goes on to talk about the vail of the Holy of Holies that Christ tore in half and the splitting of the rocks and the tombs that were opened to release the saints. Some will say it was the earthquake that did all that. We then need to look at 1 Thessalonians 4:15. And that brings us back to our beginning text and John 11:11. This all has to do with the Loud Voice of God. And the most obvious of the obvious questions is, “Why the earthquake?” Go to Revelation 16:17-21.

Pastor goes on to talk more in depth about the people that came out of the graves and went into the city of Jerusalem. What’s that all about? Did anybody care? Who were the few that did care? We know that the people who were assigned to kill God cared.

So… if you thought the Bible was simple, this is the place where you can learn a little of how wonderful it actually is. And I should stop typing at this point so you can listen to the rest of this sermon on your own. You’ll need a notebook and a Bible (that’s your TextBook).

Questions? Ask our pastor. It encourages him to hear from you.

Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Service
John 11:11; Matthew 27:51-55
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