
Worship #7 Instruments & Worship


Worship #7—Worship and Instruments
2 Chronicles 29:25-30

I. Instruments in the Old Covenant

o How they were introduced into worship (2 Chr. 29:25)

o How they were used in worship (2 Chr. 29:27-28)

o What was sung after they ceased (2 Chr. 29:29-30)

II. Instruments in the New Covenant

o Silence and abrogation (Heb. 8:13; 9:8-10)

o The syllogism: instruments were part of OT sacrificial system. The OT sacrificial system has been abrogated by the work of Jesus. Therefore, the use of instruments has been abrogated as well.

Musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, and the restoration of other shadows of the law.—John Calvin

III. Addition by Subtraction

o NT music is now ____________________ (Eph. 5:19)

o NT music is now ___________________ (1 Pet. 2:4-9)

o NT music is now ____________________ (John 4:21)

Our worship is simple and hence universally valid, it can conducted and enjoyed at any place at any time whatever the income, education or technological prowess of those involved. It can be conducted in the igloo in Alaska, the grass hut in the Congo, or an a grand cathedral in Paris, God can now be worshipped in Samaria and in Jerusalem."—Terry Johnson

May 26, 2019
Sunday - PM
2 Chronicles 29:25-30
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