
An Unfulfilled Promise to Mary


Jesus' mother Mary was given several promises, one of which she never saw fulfilled in her lifetime.

The angel Gabriel promised her that her Son would reign forever on the throne of His father David.

At Jesus' dedication at the temple, old Simeon rejoiced as he held the baby Lord Jesus that now, at last, he had seen God's salvation, not just for the Jews, but for the whole world!

This promise of Jesus as savior astonished Mary and Joseph!

The third promise to Mary by God through Simeon was that Jesus would be controversial, divisive, and rejected by His people, and that Mary's own soul would partake in the sorrow of it all.

Mary never saw her Son sit upon the throne of David, but she saw something far better: she saw Jesus save His people from their sin! She saw Him die in our place, and obtain our redemption at Calvary.

Mary saw her Son Jesus save her!

She had the privilege to see the greater prophecy fulfilled, the one that had astonished her. She saw that wonderful promise accomplished through great sorrow, but finished nonetheless in great victory!

When Christ was about to ascend into glory, His people asked whether the kingdom would now be established. Jesus told them that the Father would do so in His own time, but meanwhile, their duty was to be witnesses for Christ and for the Gospel.

They were to preach salvation to the world, and not worry about when the lesser promise would be accomplished.

Mary joined with the other disciples in the Gospel church in obedience to Her Son's wishes.

Mary had been promised a great thing, only to see something far better wrought through many trials and tears - salvation through Jesus' death for us!

May 20, 2018
Sunday Service
Luke 1:30-33; Luke 2:30-33
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