
Tyler Clementi and Bias Crimes - Why Did Tyler Jump off the GW Bridge?


Why did Tyler Clementi jump off the George Washington Bridge? Why don’t his evangelical parents condemn his sin of homosexuality and encourage other young people to repent of this sin? Why do courts in New Jersey convict a man of a bias crime for shaming his homosexual roommate, but they won’t go after Ku Klux Klan members marching through Jewish neighborhoods? The Tyler Clementi case introduces a good many questions in a morally decadent age. Kevin Swanson carefully addresses a number of ethical issues that stem from this case. What should Dharun Ravi have done when faced with a severely morally compromised roommate? Does the civil magistrate have a responsibility to enforce bias crimes like this?

Kevin Swanson also speaks to the influence of pop culture, with MTV's new rotten reality show selling fornicating relationships.

May 25, 2012
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