
Knocking Down the Pillars of Feminism - Robust Womanhood vs. Marilyn Monroe


The time has come. . . to get out of the gender blender, admit complete failure of our present social milieu and knock down the pillars of feminism once and for all. Here is an argument for robust, faith-filled, courageous biblical womanhood from two young women who live what they talk. Bethany Baird and Kristen Clark are sisters and they’ve written a book called “Girl Defined.” Why are models the most insecure people in the world, and how in the world did Marilyn Monroe become the dream girl for every other girl in America? This fast-paced, thoughtful, intense, upbeat, faith-filled interview with Bethany and Kristen will realign your perspectives to a better biblical balance.

This program includes:

  1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Homosexuality OK’d for Church of Scotland Clergy, Baltimore Cop Exonerated in Freddie Gray Death, Target Sues Man for Saving Woman’s Life)

  2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

May 24, 2016
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