
Christ and Him Crucified

89 ( 58 | 31 )

How is it that there are many who call themselves Christians but know nothing of Christ and Him crucified? Why is there much weakness in those that preach the Truth of Christ and Him crucified? What is the fear and trembling over? If anyone believes and rejoices in the Gospel of Christ how are they enabled? What does it mean that Christ has been made wisdom to you? What are deists? Why is it a comfort to know that tragic events are in the total control of a Sovereign God? How does will worship appeal to depraved men? Why do they believe that God gave them the power to save themselves? Why did the Father kill His Son? What is the Wisdom of God? What does it mean that God put His Son’s earned righteousness to the account of His elect? Do you believe in Absolute Substitution?

May 22, 2016
Sunday Service
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
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