
Keep The Flame; Pass The Torch


Though pressed for time because of all the special kindnesses extended by the church on this his "retirement" day, our Pastor Emeritus extends his appreciation to specific units within our Fellowship who have made his 27-year ministry here possible. Then, returning to Acts 16:29, Pastor does a brief word study, noting that while the Philippian jailer expected to be handed a man-made, temporary torch, he was given instead "phos" - light never kindled, light never quenched, the Light to lighten the Gentiles (Luke 2:32), the Light of the whole world. As his final counsel (as Senior Pastor), he discusses elements that will keep the gospel flame burning and elements that will quench it. Then he lights 3 literal torches and gives them to Pastor Lee Atkinson, our Fellowship of Deacons, and our Members. Finally, holding a torch aloft, Pastor reads the poem he wrote for the occasion, "The Old Torchbearer." You'll want to hear this poignant, powerful poem.

Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Service
Acts 16:23-31
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