
Persecution and Faith in Sweden


Sweden presents itself as the socialist utopia of the modern world. But as it rids itself of the remnants of faith, family, and freedom it is slowly turning into a rather dreary dystopia.

The country has an unprecedented 55% illegitimacy rate! It's standard of living is almost half of what we enjoy in America. The few Christian schools have purged biblical thinking in favor of endorsing homosexuality and evolution – thanks largely to pressure from a draconian state. Is the faith entirely dead there? Is the family entirely obsolete in this socialist haven? Or are there tiny slivers of light? Kevin Swanson interviews homeschooling leader and father, Mike Chapa, who just returned from an important visit with those suffering persecution at the hands of the state in Sweden. You will be amazed at the death of a culture, and signs of life that still hang on in the darkest corners in the world.

May 10, 2011
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