
Hebrews Part 4

125 ( 46 | 79 )

INTRO: We are in the first sentence of Hebrews, which I have called a majestic sentence. The writer does an amazing thing. He has opened up a subject by talking about something with which these discouraged Hebrew believers will agree, which is the truth that God spoke to the fathers in time past, through the prophets. Here we have the OT Scriptures. He then makes a turn to the second way in which God spoke, and that is that He spoke to us in these last days through His Son.
And then he begins to describe the Son. First, he tells them what position God has placed Him in; He has appointed Him heir of all things. Then he reminds them that this Son, through whom He now speaks is the One through whom God created the universe. He is exalting the Son, and rightly so.
And before He tells us what this Son has done, He describes Him with these words: He is the one who is the brightness of God's glory! Try to explain that! But not only that, this Son is the express image of the Person of God! And even then, he is not done. We did not have time for this last point in the previous message and we'll take it up this morning.
I confess as I studied this sentence, I had a very difficult time describing in outline form what the writer is saying. But the descriptions of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the manner of wording, and the way the writer keeps from mentioning what he is wanting to get to until the very last of the sentence have challenged me to my limits. I hope that in some way what is locked in this sentence will come through to the listeners.

Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Service
Hebrews 1:3
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