
Samson: Antichrist or Christ? Okay, trick question. But did you ever wonder about thi

385 ( 378 | 7 )

We start the lecture with a couple of rather funny letters from the Internet. The first one is from Kathy, and the second one is from Sheri. But here's the kicker. They're here. Yep, both of them flew up for the weekend just to be with us today. Pastor says that's not going on the Internet, but, The pastor doth protest too much, me thinks, so we're giving it to you anyway.

Alright... on with the lecture. We're moving on with our study of the portraits of Christ and the Antichrist found in Samson. This pastor tells us that we have to correlate Samson with Genesis 3 or you'll miss the meaning of what God wrote. We're reviewing what we've learned so far, and what not to assume in this account. Here's an example: The dead loin cannot be Christ. Christ's body did not go into corruption and you cannot kill Him. You can listen to find out what the correct perspective is. And of course we're talking about the end times along with this passage. It's steeped in it.

I'll try to give you a little bit of the highlights in the lecture, but from here, you're pretty much on your own.

Did you know that Samson is a Judge? Did you know that at times he is a type of the Antichrist? Remember, God wrote this. And JesusGod commanded us to search the Scriptures because they testify of Him.

Oh, a list

A. Samson chooses a Philistine Bride
B. Father/Mother/Samson Travel
C. Young Lion. ...Be Swarm. Be Honey
D. Wedding Feast (7 Days)
E. 30 Companions
F. Wager/Riddle 30 Linen
G. 30 Festal Robes
H. Dark Unknowable Saying

I have to stop here do to a lack of space, but get out your notebook and press play. You just might like this one. (FYI, the list goes on to W)

Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Service
Genesis 3; Judges 13
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