
Should You Shoot the Sheriff or the Deputy? - The Hunger Games and Self-Defense


Eric Clapton claimed to have shot the sheriff, but he did not shoot the deputy. When the civil magistrate comes against innocent people (like Christians) to kill them, what do they do? Amidst all the chaos of modern situational ethics and the gross ignorance of biblical law, Kevin Swanson engages some careful casuistry on self-defense, gladiator games, and shooting the sheriff or the deputy. He also underscores the importance of righteous lower magistrates as the last possibility of defense from horrible tyranny as portrayed in "The Hunger Games."

As "The Hunger Games" pulls unwitting Christian children into the vortex of senseless killing, our nations are moving precariously towards mandatory killing of children with Downs Syndrome. Kevin Swanson covers these wrongful birth suits that are becoming increasingly more common in courts around the world.

Apr 6, 2012
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