
1068 Considering God's Schedule Pt. 19 & 20


This message continues with the millennial reign of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and LORD of LORDS and how He will heal this Earth from the damage that Adam and Eve brought upon it.
The phrase, "the more things change, the more they stay the same the same" also applies in scripture. When God recreated the earth for Adam and Eve, He placed two trees in the midst of it, providing them with an opportunity to choose between what they desired and what God desired for them. There was a bad tree containing death in the fruit, and there tree was the tree of life. Oh, they were already living but they were in jeopardy of losing their lives until they chose to eat from the tree of their choice. In the millennial reign we are told of a river of life and the tree of life again. Apparently it is the same tree that was in the garden, notice "the tree of life" not a tree of life. (See Revelation 22:1-2.)

Apr 9, 2021
Ezekiel 47:1-9; Zechariah 14:8-19
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