
The Real Abby Johnson Story - Unplanned - Walking Over the Line


The movie is in the theaters, and it is breaking records for pro-life movies. But, here is the inside story from the real Abby Johnson, the Planned Parenthood Director who decided to walk across the street and join the pro-life organization that had opposed her for eight years!

The truth is camouflaged by a hundred layers of deceit. But by the grace of God, some make it out. Abby Johnson tells her story on this edition of Generations. It is the dramatic story of a former Planned Parenthood Leader's eye-opening journey across the life line. You will get a look from both sides of the fence on this abortion issue. How do Planned Parenthood employees view themselves? How do they look at the pro-life community? How do we penetrate the powerful systems, the lies, and the funding that buttresses the pro-death culture in this country?

Apr 4, 2019
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