
Abortion: the blood cries out


The 1967 Abortion Act was implemented on 27 April 1968, 40 years ago. Since then, nearly 7 million infants have been murdered in the womb, 98% of them for what are called 'social reasons.' 550 children a day are being destroyed, and currently 1 in 5 recorded pregnancies in the UK come to an unnatural end (not even taking into account such things as the morning-after pill).

Here we seek to set out a Christian response to this situation.

First, we see the essence of the sin: it is murder, the unlawful taking of the life of a child made in the image of God.

Second, we consider the aggravations of the sin: its defenceless victims; its gross unnaturalness; its wicked motives; its awful brutality; its vast scale; and, its fearful high-handedness.

Third, we look at the effects of this sin, tearing at the social fabric, including: the hardening of the nation's heart; the cheapening of all life; the scarring of individual consciences; and, the incurring of dreadful guilt and divine, righteous punishment.

Fourth and finally, what is our response to be? We must commit to the sanctity of life in God's image; we must seize every legitimate opportunity to defend and promote the sanctity of life; we must practically demonstrate our commitment to God's plan and purpose as families in our society (Rom 12.1-2); we must mourn over, repent of, and turn from our national sins; we must pray that God would raise up a Wilberforce to take the lead in overturning this legislation; and, we must minister with Christlike compassion and sacrificial love to those who have been and are enmeshed in this sin.

Apr 27, 2008
Sunday - AM
Genesis 4:10; Jeremiah 22:3
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