
We Have Met The Enemy, And The Enemy Is Us!


What causes quarrels and fights in the church? Is it that the preacher preaches too long or short, or about sin or maybe not enough about sin? Is it because of the type of music that is played? Maybe because the music is too loud, or not loud enough? Possibly because the chairs are not holy enough, or they should be pews, or they are not the right color? It is always going to be someone elses fault for something they did or a decision they made. Always someone elses fault.

This being the case, what did James mean when he said, "Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder."? Apparently this problem didn't just happen in the first churches. It is still happening today. Join Ed Messer as he explores this passage in James chapter 4 in search of what God had to say about the subject almost 2000 years ago.

Apr 26, 2009
Sunday Service
James 4:1-6
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