
Black Hole Singularity! Really? Yep, that's what we're doing on First Fruits

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Today actually is First Fruits! Passover was the 19th. There are seven Feast Days of The Lord. But Jesus Christ, before time, decided to be resurrected on This Day, His Feast Day of First Fruits. Easter is something completely different. At the counsel of Nica, they began to separate themselves from Leviticus 23. Now the Jews have added two feast days to the Lords calendar. The Lord does not like that.

But that's not the subject for today. Oh... no. Here he goes. The subject, at least for the first part of the lecture, is... Black Hole Singularity! Let the record show that there were only two people in the local congregation who approved of this topic. At any other church this man would be fired immediately. But this is Cliffside. So, deal with it.

I would try and describe what he does with this subject, but I was one of those who approved, therefore I want you to listen. Hey, you would to, if you were me.

Okay, he's moved on to the point of this topic. Consciousness. Resurrection! Do you want to know how he got there? Good. Because Christ is the First Fruits of the Resurrection. He is the Singularity! He is the Only Door. He and God are the same. He is the Only One Who can save you. He is the Only One Who can Resurrect. He is Infinite. Consider the Mathematics of Resurrection. How do you prove that? Well, you have to be God.

Finally! The end of the lecture is near. But if you're reading this, then for you the lecture hasn't even started yet. So, how do I get you to press play? Well, I can't get you to do anything. But I do believe you'll be happy that you did.

Thanks for listening. For those who support this ministry, we appreciate it.

Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Service
Leviticus 23
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