
Has The POPE Peter's Keys Or Character?


Now that the Pope has died, tributes are rising to floodtide as important persons queue to applaud his life and labours.

A trio of American Presidents cut a sorry sight as they paid homage over the dead body of the Pope on Thursday (4/7/05).

As did British Premier Tony Blair when attending a vespers prayer service for the repose of the Pope's soul at Westminster Cathedral on Monday (4/4/05).

It is truly a time to take stock ... .

This topical message provides a comprehensive outline of the Papal Office, tracing:

  1. The DAWN of the Papacy;

... paying attention to the following factors that allowed Rome to wrest control of 'Christendom':

a) Corrosion – apostasy and ignorance.

b) Conquest – break up of Western empire + rise of Islam.

c) Coronation – Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne as Emperor ... enabling successive popes to claim that the pontiff was superior to the emperor.

d) Concoction – false letters and laws that Rome claimed dated back to the C1st.

  1. The DEVELOPMENT of the Papacy;

... showing how its rise is characterised by:

a) Diabolical Iniquity,
b) Barbaric Cruelty,
c) Papal Infallibility.

  1. The DESTINY of the Papacy;

... examining:

a) Its Immediate Aspiration
b) Its Ultimate Destruction.

At an hour when countless 'evangelicals' are scripting their eulogies for Pope John Paul II, it is vital that God's true people remain focused - and biblical!

Apr 1, 2005
Special Meeting
1 Peter 5:1-4
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