
The Kingdom of God Present with Power


The Spirit & Power of Elijah - Message 13 - The Kingdom of God Present with Power. At the Transfiguration of Jesus, the Apostles Peter, James, and John saw the glory of Christ in His Kingdom. Jesus was not changed, but His glory was revealed as His face and garments began to glow with the glory of God. While transfigured before them Jesus was talking with Moses and Elijah about His coming "exodus", His death at Jerusalem for the sins of His people. The Kingdom of God then is seen in its fullness as Moses representing the Law and Elijah representing the prophets both point to the glory of the gospel of grace in the Person of Jesus, the King of kings. In this event then we see the Kingdom, the Law, the Prophets, the Gospel, the Disciples, and the King. What do these things mean for us? To begin with they point to our transfiguration as Jesus makes us a new creation at our new birth, and then they show us how we are enabled to love and obey the King as faithful servants in His Kingdom here and now.

Apr 11, 2010
Sunday Service
Luke 9:27-36; Mark 9:1-13
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