
Erratic Behavior of A Tyrant


Erratic Behavior of A Tyrant

Haman is a classic example of why you do not want wicked people in your circle of influence. You Promote them, they become Prideful (NOT Humble). You Ignore them, they become Indignant (NOT Meek). You Treasure them with riches, to do as they please, they become a Terror (NOT a Giver or Blesser).

Haman's erratic behavior of being up and down, up and down, reveals his self centeredness and selfish ways. His joy and gladness seems to always be circumstantial.

Let me insert a principle here: One of the principle questions we ought to ask ourselves is NOT, "Am I filled with joy and a glad heart, right now in my life?" But, we should be asking, "Is my joy and gladness the joy of the Lord, regardless of what I must face today?" The answer to both of the questions will be revealed in our actions and attitudes. Wicked Haman... could overflow with joy, but his floods of joy came from his folly, (the things he found delightful) and jus as soon as a person or circumstance threaten his pride and purpose he was filled indignation, anger, wrath and misery. Wickedness is ugly... and it's ugliness effects every facet of life.

#nestingwithjesus #esther #esther5 #esther6 #esther7 #mark8and34thru38 #Mordecai #Haman #gallows #testimonies #wrinkles #heat #iron #shirt #invitingGodtojoinus #notansweringHiscall #wicked #wrong #ignored #tyrant #Hamanthefool #Hadassah #favor #itiswell #orphan #adapted #unforeseeable #unpredictable #queenesther #monsters #golddinosaur #dinosaur #gold #trust #God #King #Jesus #Godsanswer #Jesus #lookuntojesus #forsuchatimeasthis

Mar 10, 2022
Sunday Service
Esther 5; Esther 6
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