
Sown Among Thorns: Take Heed How Ye Hear


Words cannot do justice to the importance of this sermon. Please listen for your edification and instruction. Churches today are full of those who profess Christ, yet show no fruit in their lives. A tragedy of the thorny ground is that it appears fruitful for a time--it is in "better" shape than the stony ground and the wayside. These thorny-ground hearers are adamant in their profession of Christ, and will defend it vigorously. Oftentimes they have much knowledge, and can maintain a good conversation with the best of believers. They would say, My relationship to the Lord is between me and God--you have no right to judge; but they err, for the Lord said that we are to be lights shining, not hidden, to glorify our Father in heaven. This is a very searching sermon, as we are asked to examine ourselves for signs of fruit in our lives, that we be not deceived: Are we embracing self-denial? Do we bear the cross of Christ gladly? Do we love sacrificially? Do we love and esteem the brethren? Do we have a burden for the lost? But what can we do about those who appear to have no fruit, in spite of their profession? This is a question that has puzzled many a pastor, and the scriptures give us the answer. We are to "let them grow up together." Fruit is not quickly nor immediately revealed in the natural world, nor is it in the spiritual realm. Genuineness will be shown when they reach maturity. The harvest will tell. In the meantime, there will always be a mixed multitude in our churches. In these difficult times, when hearts and desires are being revealed as our society deteriorates, let us fight the good fight, put on the whole armour of God, and weed out the thorns!

Mar 8, 2009
Sunday Service
Matthew 13:7; Matthew 13:18-23; Proverbs 24:30-34
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