
The Consequences Engine

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This morning all of us operate under some very powerful but often unseen laws around us. These are the laws of the physical universe. The laws of gravity, chemistry, and physics are inflexible, unstoppable and very unforgiving—and we all must bow before them.

But what we seldom consider are the other laws, the ones that govern the spiritual world that surrounds us. In the pits of despair David learned about those laws. It is a law that says that there are unavoidable consequences for our choices. And David wanted positive consequences—he didn't like the negative ones he experienced in the pits he had gone through.

David disobeyed God and something happened—called a consequence. He was saddened, troubled, fretful, anxious, depressed and finally despairing. When he sat back and analyzed all that had happened he realized that the Lord allowed all that as a consequence for all of his actions.

Oct 16, 2005
Sunday - AM
Galatians 6:7-9; Psalm 57:7
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