
Forgive Us Our Debts, As WE Forgive Our Debtors

125 ( 84 | 41 )

A Grave Warning....After the Lord Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He reemphasized the importance of forgiving those that sin against us.

"Forgive us our debts, AS WE FORGIVE our debtors"; (Luke): "And forgive us our sins; FOR WE ALSO FORGIVE EVERY ONE that is indebted to us"

You see, forgiveness of others' sins against you is one of the excellent virtues ~ prominent marks that the Spirit of Christ is in you.

Children of God are forgiven, and therefore they are also "forgiving" people. In fact, one of the evidences that you have been born-again; forgiven for all your sins by the blood atonement of Christ is, you readily forgive those that have sinned against you.

In contrast, it is a "grave warning" to any of you who do profess faith in Christ, who refuse to forgive "another"; your neighbor or even your enemy for their offences against you.

Mar 28, 2021
Sunday - AM
Matthew 6:12
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