
What Do I Have That God Wants?_10

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WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT GOD WANTS? 1 Peter 2:9-10HOW TO LIVE THROUGH SUFFERING:In a Non-Christian World. You are chosen by God! You are a royal priesthood! You are a holy nation! You are His special people! Why? So that you could show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light! In the Old Testament the people of Israel had priests. These priests were responsible for offering the sacrifices to God on behalf of the people. They were the "middle man" between God and the congregation. But in the New Testament instead of "having" priests we "are" the priests. We now can come boldly before the throne of God and offer our own sacrifices unto the Lord.1.OUR PAST SITUATION V.9 WHO WE WERE! A. THE LIGHT OUR SALVATION PROVIDES. 2. OUR PRESENT STANDING.V 10 WHO WE ARE NOW! A. THE LIFE OUR SALVATION PRODUCES. B. THE LOVE OUR SALVATION PROCLAIMS As you walk down the road of ministry and learning to serve one another remember that you are valuable to the Kingdom. You have something to offer God. In yourself there is nothing that can impress God – there is only one thing that you have, that you own, that you can offer to the king of kings as a gift that is worthy of His position – what is that gift –THAT GIFT IS YOU!
Yes, even with your sin, your shame and your pains the greatest gift you have to give tonight is YOU! You could produce Gold, diamonds, rubies and all the precious stones in the world would not cause God to turn His head. YOURSELF will cause the Lord to stop what He is doing and give you His full attention. Would like to find the secret to a full and wonderful life? It begins with a sacrifice of YOU.

Mar 24, 2021
Bible Study
1 Peter 2:9-10
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