
The Atonement Money


Atonement money from the Israelite people

The Problem:

*No man can make atonement for his sins.
*Atonement cannot be purchased.

The shadow of Jesus appears in the Old Testament:

  1. The Atonement offering was tied to the census; this declares God's ownership of His people.
  2. Atonement protected God's people from plague; Christ protects sinners from God's wrath.
  3. Atonement was required from every person; we all have the same need before God.
  4. Atonement had to be something of value; we must be ransomed by something of great value, the blood of Christ.
  5. Atonement had to be brought to the Lord; it's not enough for Jesus to be the sacrifice for sin, he must be YOUR sacrifice for sin.
  6. Atonement was called the Lord's offering; the true atoning offering was provide by God through His son.
  7. Atonement brought the people to remembrance of the Lord; Christ makes us acceptable before God.
Mar 24, 2013
Sunday Service
Exodus 30:11-16
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