
Why All Things MUST Work Together for Our Good

120 ( 74 | 46 )

For this morning, I want to hone in on a text that most of us are probably very familiar with, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, specifically chapter 8:28-30. But, as we work through this text, I want to further bolster up what we know about this glorious text, by considering why all things absolutely must work together for the good of God's people. We know the statement to be true, in its own right, but considering the absolute necessity for this statement to be true, will, I hope, encourage us to work through all of the providentially ordained trials that God brings our way, with even greater boldness, joy and faith.

Let us begin, by considering the context of verse 28, which will also serve to help eliminate any extreme charismatic abuses of our main text. It is important to recognize that, as is the case with most of Scripture, verses 28-30 come out of a broader context, and ought to be considered within that context. And so, when the Apostle Paul tells us that all things work together for the good of God's people, the context preceding and following verse 28, defines what exactly is meant by the "good" unto which, all things work, for the people of God.

Mar 22, 2020
Sunday - AM
Romans 8:18-30
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