
Your First Day In Heaven 11

59 ( 49 | 10 )

INTRO: Well, we have only one message left to go after this one. In that message we want to consider the white robes given to believers who enter heaven. In the previous message we looked at the transition from the physical temple to the spiritual temple, which temple we are.
We saw the important role of John the Baptist in washing the High Priest, Jesus of Nazareth. It is amazing that God bypassed the High Priest of the temple, but He did, and I believe that was because the man who had the highest position in the religious circles of the Jews was a defiled man, as were most of the priests under him. He was not only defiled, but a short while later condemned Christ to death.
Well, Jesus was baptized and commissioned to service by John the Baptist. Then He was anointed by God Almighty Himself. The last piece of furniture to be made in the tabernacle was the first one He fulfilled. Then He became the light of the world, and the bread of life for the believer. He became our way of access to God. There we have the candlestick, the table of showbread and the altar of incense. Then He was crucified, and the veil in the temple was torn and access through Him had been made for us to the Father. And ever since then, He has sat on God’s throne, which I think is the ark of the covenant, for here God dwelt in old time in the tabernacle. This was the first article made for the tabernacle.

Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Service
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