
Waiting Is Hard

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God gave Abraham the great man of God; He gave him 10 tests, 10 opportunities, 10 examinations. Whether or not he would wait upon the sufficiency of God? And you know, Abraham passed several and he failed several. Now even the Great Father the faithful, didn't get a 100%. And you and I will never be a 100%. We will never be absolutely, always trusting, depending, obedient, walking on the Lord. Because we're still human, we're still frail, we're still feeble. We still are encased in flesh. We are a new creation but we're still in the flesh.

And that conflict is what Paul wrote about in Romans 6:7 and 8. And he says yes, to the extent that we are in the Spirit, we are conquering the flesh and we are living above it. And we -- the love, sin and death is not held down because the spirit of life and Christ raises us above that. But Abraham; what a beautiful model of the waiting examinations of God. Let me just chronicle these for you. I'll just rattle them off. The first one is in chapter 12 verses 1 through 9 and this was whether or not Abraham was going to wait upon the sufficiency of God and obey Him and He told him, that he was supposed to go in verse 1 of chapter 12. Get out of your country get away from your family and go to a new land. And guess what? He only partially obeyed, so he failed that test. What did he do? He brought Lot along and he hung around the Haran for a long time. He didn't go to Canaan right away. He spent years in the part of city of Haran. And he didn't fully obey the Lord. So test number one he failed.

Test number two, comes in verse 10 of chapter 12. And that was is he going to trust in the sufficiency of God t

Mar 15, 2021
Bible Study
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