
"Do not Worry"


Lesson 1: Worry:
● (Part 1) ______________ a ________ perspective (Luke 12:22-23).
● (Part 2) Is __________________ (Luke 12:25-26).
● (Part 3) Is what ______________________ ____ (Luke 12:28, 30a).
Lesson 2: Overcome worry by:

● (Part 1) Remembering your heavenly Father __________ for ______ (Luke 12:22, 24, 27-28, 30b, 32; 1 Pet 5:7).
● (Part 2) ______________ ______ Kingdom of God (Luke 12:31-32; Col 3:2).

Family Worship Guide________________________________________
Memory Verses: Colossians 3:1-3

Day 1: Luke 12:22-28, and discuss: What does Jesus challenge us not to measure our lives by? Why is this important in light of eternity? How profitable is worry to change anything in our lives? What is the relationship between faith and worry? Does worry reflect upon God's ability to provide or on our ability to trust?

Day 2: Luke 12:29-32, 1 Pet 5:7, and discuss: Why are the lost justified in their worry in life? How is our worrying a poor testimony to the lost? Why does God ask us to cast our worries on Him? What is significant about our relationship with God regarding His provisions? How should this give us confidence in Him?

Day 3: Luke 12:31-33, Col 3:1-3, John 16:33 and discuss: What are we to be applying our efforts toward rather than worry? Where is our perspective when we are consumed with worry? Where is our life ultimately secured? How should confidence in God to provide promote generosity in our lives?

Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Service
Luke 12:22-34; Matthew 6:25-34
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