
Rapture = Remember Lot's Wife? This is a very complicated subject


Pastor Chronister starts off by equating Lot's wife with the rapture. That's pretty sound footing, because Jesus does this in Luke 17, and we should know what this is all about. It's very important to have this figured out. And of course, our pastor is going to help us. He tells us that one of the definitive works on this topic was written by Ada Ruth Habershon. She is the very best lady Bible scholar, probably ever. As a side note, she taught Dwight L. Moody just about all he knew. Are you impressed with this lady yet? Look her up and find her books and you'll be a lot more impressed.
OK... The sermon. WARNING! This one is on the very popular topic of INCEST! Specifically, Lot's daughters. I challenge you to find a pastor who is willing to preach on this topic. I'm not putting down the great pastors out there (Most of them have the wisdom to stay away from this topic). Our pastor...? Is he crazy for doing this? The jury is still out on that one.
Pastor does a wonderful job of noting just about everything that is similar between Noah in Gen 6 and Lot in Gen 19. Hey, Jesus equates these two in Luke 17, so pastor just thought it might be a good idea to look deeper into this. You might like how he does this... and this sermon might offend some as well. You'll probably have a few things you've been taught challenged in this sermon.
This is a church that is dedicated to a very high level of teaching and discipleship. So if that's what you're looking for, this pastor might be one you'll like.
All right... let's get on to the sermon. Open your text book and press play.

Jan 20, 2008
Sunday Service
Genesis 19; Luke 17
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