
The King's Beauty Vindicates!

Featured on Aug 18, 2017

We are promised that one day we will see the King in His beauty, and a land that is afar off.

The physical beauty of Christ will vindicate Him one day!

In His humanity, He was ordinary looking, and to the people didn't "look like" God manifest in flesh ought to look. No wonder Peter reveled in the glory of Christ's transfiguration, not understanding that it was not His physical glory that would save His people, but rather His glory at Calvary as God's Lamb.

But Scripture promises that one day every eye shall see Him in His beauty and glory, and then their mouths will be stopped. Jesus Himself remarked upon this fact, when He described coming in His glory, with angels, and being seated upon the throne in His glory, judging the world.

In that instance, Christ couples His beauty with His lowly people, for, He judges, whoever was kind to His people was kind to the glorious King! Whoever was unkind to His people He counted as having been unkind to Him.

No doubt every one would have honored Christ had they seen Him in His beauty, but too late, His glory becomes a testament to their cruelty and pending judgment.

Jesus warned the wicked men who falsely convicted Him that one day they would see Him seated at God's right hand and all glorious. They refused to believe His words, that He is Messiah the Son of God, but one day, Jesus told them, they would see that it was true when they saw Him in all His beauty.

Christ's people long to see Him in that beauty. Christ's enemies hate the very idea, because that will be His vindication that His claims were just and true, and their actions rebellious. Christ's beauty displayed will be their death warrant for deicide.

Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Service
John 17:24; Mark 14:61-62
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