
Why Men Reject Christ


Here on this winter day during the Feast of Dedication… a time celebrating God's deliverance from hostile kings and nations, the re-dedication of the Temple, and the enjoyment of God's blessings… we find Jesus walking in the temple complex, in the colonnade of Solomon (an area where scribes frequently held schools for teaching/learning). Certainly Jesus' appearance at the temple on this day is no small thing. The temple which stood for the presence of God among God's people was visited by He who was “the radiance of [God's] glory and the exact representation of [God's] nature” [Heb 1:3]. The festival of lights was illumined by He who was “the Light of the World” [Jn 8:12]. Here we find Jesus' last appeal to the Jewish leaders in John's gospel. Will they repent and recognize Jesus as the Christ/Messiah, as their Savior, as their King? Well, to cut all suspense, the answer is NO. They stubbornly reject Him… But WHY?? Now there's a good question…

In a sermon entitled, “Why Men Reject Christ” I'd like to consider 4 reasons for unbelief which are present in the dialogue before us in Jn 10:22-39.

Mar 12, 2012
Sunday Service
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