
J.C. Ryle's Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Matthew 5:38-48


In consideration of the ten verses from the Sermon on the Mount, J.C. Ryle states that we have before us the Lord Jesus Christ's rules for our conduct one towards another. He goes so far as to say - "They deserve to be written in letters of gold." Is the standard of conduct required of us, at first sight, as extravaganly high as it may seem? However, Ryle suggests that - "...we must never content ourselves with aiming at one lower." The question which we must always ask ourselves is - What would Christ have me to do?

We learn that:
1: The Lord Jesus forbids everything like an unforgiving and revengeful spirit
2: The Lord Jesus urges upon us a spirit of universal love and charity
3: If the spirit of these ten verses were more continually remembered by true believers they would recommend Christianity to the world more than they do.
4: If the spirit of these ten verses had more dominion and power in the world how much happier the world would be than it is.

Feb 25, 2021
Matthew 5:38-48
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